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land lines造句

"land lines"是什么意思  
  • I'll call you tomorrow from a land line
  • land line subscriber
  • India nearly doubled its mobile-phone subscriptions last year to 150m and the government expects 500m ( mobile and land lines ) by 2010
  • Telephone systems are at the heart of business, whether it is a standard land line, mobile phones, voicemail, teleconferencing, or internet phone software .
  • In places with bad roads, few trains and parlous land lines, mobile phones substitute for travel, allow price data to be distributed more quickly and easily, enable traders to reach wider markets and generally make it easier to do business
  • In places with bad roads, few trains and parlous land lines, they substitute for travel, allow price data to be distributed more quickly and easily, enable traders to reach wider markets and generally ease the business of doing business
  • Mr . leung and mr . yeung, applying the new technology in data processing, reduced the size of the system and its energy consumption, making the system easy to carry and install . they also made use of the general packet radio service data transmission technology to provide one-stop data transmission from remote areas without land lines back to the observatory headquarters 24 hours round the clock
  • It's difficult to see land lines in a sentence. 用land lines造句挺难的
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